Case Study|Financial Services Company
Visit the Priority Credit Recovery Website
This case study is on a financial services company and their evolving online marketing strategy and covers a 5 year time period with LeadHQ. They provide collection services in Canada and their website is a powerhouse in the domestic and International organic search results. Their website is a true success story about a result driven Client and optimized organic online marketing.
In the beginning we found the CEO was web savvy and had been using PPCs (Pay per Clicks) to generate online traffic. You can follow this link to get an idea of what their old website looked like. However, the price of PPCs was constantly rising and their old site was only generating a minimal number of low quality sales leads. In addition, they weren't getting anywhere near the incoming sales phone calls they wanted.
Their old site was not bringing in the type of business they really wanted, companies that need commercial debt collection. They specialize in collecting commercial debt. They wanted more relevant sales leads to build their commercial portfolios. They also wanted the phone to ring more often.
Our new Client had already realized that he needed a new website that would pull in and convert free organic traffic from the search engines. There were some gems we salvaged from the old site like a fantastic blog and page content that could be optimized. Our Client wanted more traffic and more targeted sales leads.
Knowing the costs of generating sales leads with PPCs, the CEO decided to make the investment to build an optimized website that generates organic traffic. They wanted a website that would take targeted traffic and convert it into tangible sales leads without the need for PPCs. Optimized websites and marketing is a long term strategy and the CEO wanted consistent long term results.
At the time they wanted to market themselves as a regional commercial collection agency. They had no intention of expanding beyond regional coverage. Little did we know they would go national in a couple of years.
We analyzed their ideal customer demographics and the researched relevant key terms that would target their ideal customers. Their preferred customers are business owners and credit executives who like lots of content. Their ideal customers have higher educational demographics. We optimized the new site to target company contacts with business to business account receivables.
Commercial debt collection is a specialized field in debt collection. Commercial accounts require far more expertise and the numbers are a lot higher. We created new content to answer questions and provide valuable information on collecting commercial debt. The new content reinforced to potential customers that our Client knows what they were doing. Great content also attracts natural backlinks, which helps increase the website weight in the search engines.
We optimized the navigation on the new site to prompt customers to act. We provided potential customers with smooth navigation and forms to easily inquire about our Client's services. Collection agency Clients have tight schedules, so they appreciate being able to schedule a free consultation. We provided potential customers with more methods for contacting our Client. We reduced the barrier to sale and dramatically increased traffic to sales conversions.
The new site took off and the Page 1s steadily increased. We continued adding new content every month and after a few months, traffic and leads exploded. Traffic to Sales conversions were off the chart compared to the old site. The new website is a lead generation machine. Traffic was increasing every month and things were running smoothly until we got a call from our Client.
Our Client had decided to take their agency national and wanted to expand their business across Canada. This was a major expansion for them and they needed to penetrate the eastern Canadian market. We ended up doing some changes to the website to accommodate marketing for the new extra provinces. We also added new relevant content and it didn't take long to get organic Page 1s targeting commercial customers in eastern Canada.
Results - Client Comments
Today their website is a powerhouse in the organic search results in Canada and Internationally. They have hundreds of organic Page 1s for money making key terms. Our Client has a high traffic to sales conversion rate and they convert 78% of their online sales leads into business
Here are a few comments from our Client.
Over the last three years we have seen our website go from a few organic page 1s to literally hundreds on the search engines. Search engine optimization is one of the best moves we ever made. The phone is ringing and we get a steady stream of leads every month
What we really like about the search engine optimization is the high percentage of quality targeted leads. We have a 78% conversion rate on our online sales leads
Just keeping up with the constant flow of leads no longer leaves any time for cold calls. Not a bad problem to have. Our business has grown substantially since then and the consistent organic leads and phone calls have definitely contributed to our success
If you are looking to increase your online traffic and sales, find out how LeadHQ can increase your bottom line. Give us a call, request a response, or schedule a free consultation on optimized online marketing.
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Picking Website Colour Schemes
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Website Optimization
Organic and Paid Traffic
On-page SEO
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