Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is critical if you want to rank high in the organic mobile search engine results. LeadHQ responsive mobile design ensures web site pages are viewable on all devices desktops, tablets, and smart phones. Mobile tablets-smart phones searches, or queries, now make up more than half of all searches on the search engines. The most cost effective solution for mobile searches is responsive web design.
So how does responsive web design work? When a potential customer enters a web site we use code that automatically identifies their screen resolution, type of browser and device being used. If a web visitor is using a tablet or smart phone then the resolution changes automatically to display properly on their browser and device. The search engines now give preference to web sites with responsive web design.
Alternative to Responsive Web Design
The alternative to responsive web design is to create a mobile application. However, for most companies a mobile application is an unnecessary expense. Unless you and your customer are exchanging a lot of data all you should need is responsive web design.
For statistics on the current popular web browsers refer to this information on web browsers and devices. Web site resolution compatibility with these browsers and devices is the point of responsive web design.
Responsive Design = More Traffic
Unless you have a responsive web site you are missing out on a lot of potential organic traffic. The search engines won't even index list your website for mobile search without a mobile app, or responsive web design. In fact, most search engines penalize a website without responsive web design.
LeadHQ includes responsive design with all the web sites we build. Even if you don't have us build your web site, be sure your next web site has responsive web design. To check if your website is responsive, try out the Google Mobile Friendly Test OR the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool. Either of these free tools will let you know if your present site passes the test for responsive web design.
Questions about Responsive Web Design?
Then give us a call or schedule a free consultation on responsive web design.